Why choose Notify.com as your enterprise notification solution?
Alarm Management

Our Open, Secure API's allow you to interface real-time alerting to any system, application or device.
For those situations where API access is not available, Notify.com Alarm Management can process incoming data from:
SMTP Email
SMS text messages
Serial (RS-232) communication lines
Text files, including log files for automated analysis
SQL queries
you name it...we can interface to anything
One Touch Reply

Notify.com is an acknowledgement-based notification platform. Every message sent to Users, Groups or Subscriptions, is monitored and tracked for positive acknowledgment by the person(s) receiving the message.
We make that easy, with a feature named One Touch Reply.
A single touch on the smartphone, tablet—or click on the desktop browser—and you know the message has been received.
Web Messaging

Your Notify.com platform can serve dual-duty.
In addition to API access as part of Alarm Management, Notify.com's web-based console provides the perfect solution for the Help Desk, or Emergency Notification implementations.
Bang for the buck

Notify.com is an enterprise-class notification platform, that scales to the needs of any organization.
All at a price, that is a fraction of our competitors.
NOTE: Notify.com offers both annual subscriptions, and perpetual licenses that never expire.